Hi! My name’s Oisin and I go to PCC Falcarragh. I spent one of my work experience blocks working for the kind staff at SourcedBySab for a week. I’ve been really interested in fashion, skating and surfing for a long time so SBS was an obvious choice for my TY work experience.

During my first day at SBS I instantly felt as though I was part of the team and one of the first things I noticed was the amount of trust and respect that I got from the lovely staff there.

I was given important responsibilities such as taking photos of stock and making promotional content for the shop, I also did tasks like tagging clothes and unboxing new stock.

All the jobs that I took on in the days I worked there taught me a lot about the inner workings of growing businesses. I learnt how powerful being social can be as building connections with people is one of the quickest and nicest ways to grow as a company as people recognise kindness and genuine people when they see it. I learnt how to use a till and sort stock which are both useful things to know and are a nice addition to a CV.

There was no time that I spent in SBS that felt like a waste of time, if I wasn't learning something from Sab or Maeve I was enjoying taking photos or shooting videos for the store’s instagram. I felt as though the team there enjoyed having me and I found it very easy to get on with everyone there as well.

My favourite part of my experience as a whole was definitely the social aspect, there was kind people in and out of the store each day whether it was friends or family of the staff or customers, all of these amazing people build up the SBS community of which Sab, Maeve and Thomas care very much about, as much as the sustainability that they promote in the running of the shop. 

Sustainability is a very important part of SBS and will always be very important to Sab and the gang. This is something I respect a lot about SBS as I believe strongly about buying second hand and promoting a sustainable lifestyle in fashion.

I hope to own a company when I'm older so all my time at SBS was very inspirational for me and I hope to one day be like Sab. 

I couldn’t recommend any other workplace more for work experience. It's an all round amazing vibe in store and everything that you get to help out with, leaves you feeling fulfilled with your spent time.

I would recommend this choice in work experience to anyone who likes to take opportunities and enjoys showing a creative side (all of this is useful for making new content for the shop) 

Thank you to the SBS team!!!!

Sab Medlar